Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Scouting Names

Flaming Arrow aka Hulbert Teng

He was born to a warrior generation and had a never die attitude to life always inflamed with a burning passion for his people. He would ride over mountains and valleys for days and nights in search for pastures for his nomadic people to move and settle. He was appointed guardian of the tribal fire during night ceremonies where the fire would be started with a burning arrow. Keepers of this fire would be known as flaming arrows of the tribe.

In the characters of the Flaming Arrow (also known as “Cheveyo”: a Spirit Warrior), Hulbert’s traits of the “Never say die attitude” “Passionate” “Strong Will” and Guardian of the tribe”. Hulbert has also displayed and honor the Group’s motto of “Proud and Progressive”.

Lady Star Seeker aka Joanne Tham

Star Seekers are the tribal guides who are in charge of charting out the short term nomadic routes of the people. They are efficient information gatherers seeking out the best possible way of achieving objectives in the tribe. Not only they serve a purpose of charting out journeys for the people, they are also the soothsayers of the tribe often predicting the outcome of wars, harvesting and fortunes. They hold a key position in the tribal councils as oracles or sometimes consulted upon as medicine women of the tribe.

In the characters of the Star Seeker, the traits of being the “medicine woman” of the tribe often being consulted upon for advice on many personal matters and as a role model for the ventures. She holds an important position to chart out the destiny of the venture ladies in the Oneida scouts tribe. Being Calm and collective, she is looked upon for advice and is expected to give answers in a solemn manner.

Congratulates to both Ventures for getting their Scouting Name!

Not forgetting the presences of the SandS Rovers!


Yours in Scouting

Wisdom Keeper

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